Our Vision

Mercy Force is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization.  Mercy Force serves the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  In the Southeast Asian countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam we are inspired to empower children, serve families and strengthen communities by partnering with established, like-minded NGOs and conducting charitable projects.

  • Empower Children – Children represent the greatest opportunity to make a long-term impact on our world for Christ. Sadly, children are the most exploited and abused members of our society.
  • Serve Families – Families are the guardians—and sometimes perpetrators of violence against children. To break the cycle of generational abuse, we endeavor to serve families.
  • Strengthen Communities – By fulfilling our mission of empowering children and serving families, we believe that entire communities will be forever changed by the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ